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Alive Earth Goes Dead
Monday, August 24, 2009
Need to avoid tis prod to save our ppl n nation!!!
BEIJING: The Beijing plants of US soft drink giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been listed as among the top 12 factories causing major water
pollution in China's capital, the city government has announced.
The list issued by the Beijing Development and Reform Commission, the capital's economic planning agency, was published along with the top 15 energy users in the capital, which included the Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler plant.
China has set a goal of reducing average energy consumption by 20 percent from 2006 to 2010. This means it has to cut average consumption by four percent annually over the five-year period, a target it has so far failed to meet.
"2009 is a key year for fulfilling our energy-saving and pollution-reduction goals," the commission said in a statement on its website, cited by the Beijing News today.
The 27 entities will be subject to increased supervision and asked to submit plans to reduce energy use and pollution emissions, the commission said.
PepsiCo-Beijing and Coca-Cola-Beijing refused immediate comment on the issue when contacted by AFP today.
The Beijing News quoted Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler as saying it would this year "step up the scope of reducing energy use and emissions, saving energy and treating waste water and waste through technological upgrading".
Went is wil come into action???
NEW DELHI: India's prime minister said on Tuesday the country must invest in its own environmentally friendly technologies, the latest in myriad
pledges from one of the world's biggest polluters to fight climate change.
Manmohan Singh's comments underlined how India was seeking to undercut demands by rich nations for it to do more to curb carbon emissions. New Delhi has constantly resisted emissions targets, saying it will take its own unilateral action to cut pollution.
Global negotiations for a new U.N. agreement on climate change are stuck on the question of how much cash or technology rich nations will provide the poorer countries.
Singh's comments also signaled that India, the world's fourth-largest polluter, was willing to put in money to develop expensive clean technologies to supplement what it might get from rich countries.
"Our growth strategy can be different. It must be different," the prime minister said, referring to the western world's decades of industrialization that is blamed for climate change.
He said India's energy use will rise sharply in the coming decades as it tries to lift a multitude out of poverty, but stressed a different development path must be walked.
"For this we need access to new technologies that are already available with developed countries. We must also make our own investments in new environment-friendly technologies," he told a national conference on environment and forests in New Delhi.
India has already announced several steps to fight global warming, such as ramping up solar power investment, expanding forest cover and bringing in domestic energy efficiency trading.
"In dealing with the challenge of climate change and environmental degradation we face the unfair burden of past mistakes not of our making," Singh said.
"However, as we go forward in the march of development we have the opportunity not to repeat those mistakes."
With about 500 million people, or about half the population lacking access to electricity and relying on dirty coal to expand the power grid, India's booming economy has huge potential to leap-frog to a low-carbon future.
But it says it needs a little hand-holding by rich countries to keep it on the right path.
Carelessness of our ppl n govt…
JAMMU: Siachen Glacier in Ladakh has receded by about 800 m in the last 20 years and is facing threat of climate change caused by military
activities in the region, claims a UN official.
Considered most strategic in terms of defence needs of the country and manned round-the-clock at temperatures of minus 50 to 60 degrees during winters, the meltdown is a "warning bell to the health and security of Siachen," writes Bansi Lal Kaul of the UNDP India's Solutions Exchange wing in his book, "Biodiversity Conservation in Himalayas".
"It is unfortunate that Siachen Glacier nowadays has receded more than 800 m during 20-year period from 1988 to 2008," the 326-page book says.
With over 3,000 troops living and operating there, hundreds of machines and scores of choppers flying daily over the region, the whole of its environment and eco-system have deteriorated, former chief scientist at the Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agriculture R D Gupta writes in one of the chapters titled "Global Warming and Melting of Himalayan Glaciers".
The book blames military activities for depositing tonnes of chemicals on the surface of the glacier, thereby not only polluting the headwaters of Indus river but also raising the temperatures in the area.
its hightime to follow this !!!
WASHINGTON: A recent report suggests that a 150 billion dollars national investment in a "green economy" could not only boost the employment
picture in the US, but also create new pathways out of poverty for many low-income workers in the country.
The report of the Political Economy Research Institute's study on green economy investment, was analyzed by Dr Sekou Franklin, assistant professor of political science, from Middle Tennessee State University. Subsequently, among other outcomes, he's determined that such an investment has the potential to create nearly 15,000 new jobs in his region alone.
According to Dr Franklin, "The PERI Group out of Massachusetts was responsible for doing a 12 stage study on clean energy investment, and Tennessee was included in that 12stage study, so we used that to write a proposal that I did research for on a green-jobs program for low income workers."
Related to Franklin's green-jobs proposal, there exists a variety of "clean-energy" jobs that require only a high-school degree or less, including roofers, electricians, insulation workers and sheet-metal workers, among other occupations.
Moreover, according to the MTSU professor's Tennessee-related study, mass-transit investment is an area ripe for development when it comes to creating environmentally sound practices.
Such green investment, Franklin notes, can lead to far-reaching outcomes that ultimately reduce unemployment and raise the overall standard of living for lower socio-economic households.
Plus, with the aforementioned 150 billion dollars investment in what has been dubbed the "clean-energy economy," Nashville and its 6th Congressional District has the potential to generate some 15,000 new jobs, per the national report issued by PERI.
Franklin, similarly, agrees with the national study's findings, asserting that a renewed commitment to mass transit in Middle Tennessee is an area that would provide a significant and sustainable return on any green-economy investment.
"We need a broader public-transportation system that links Nashville to Murfreesboro to Cookeville, so that low-income workers can get to work and also in order to reduce fossil fuels," he said.
With such a system, not only the economy but also the environment would benefit by the reduced number of "people in cars spending money on gas and oil, (and) having that released into the environment," he added.
Save our extint – tiger, but wen???
NEW DELHI: Tiger deaths continue at an alarming rate. Statistics collated from different parts of India by a prominent wildlife NGO show that
between January 1 and August 19 this year, at least 66 tigers lost their lives.
Of these, 23 died due to poaching. The list includes seizures of skins, bones, claws, skeletons, canines and paws by police and wildlife authorities during this period. The remaining 43 died of a variety of reasons such as infighting, old age, tiger-human conflict, accidents and disease, according to statistics provided by Wildlife Protection Society of India.
"In the last few months, Uttarakhand in the north and Karnataka in the south have recorded particularly high numbers of tiger deaths, which illustrates that the problem exists throughout the country," says Belinda Wright of WPSI.
One incident occurred near Pataur area in Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh where a tigress was found dead on Tuesday. "It could be a case of poisoning. But right now we can't say for sure. The samples have been sent to the forensic lab in Sagar and to the veterinary college, Jabalpur," says S K Patil, field director of the reserve. The tigress had three cubs. "Two have been spotted. We are trying to trace the third," says Patil.
National tiger census figures released in Jan 2008 showed a mere 1,411 tigers alive as compared to 3,508 in 1997, a drastic drop of 60%.
K Ullas Karanth, Bangalore-based senior conservation scientist, says decline of tigers since 1990s can be
attributed to "the collapse of field protection and patrolling." This, he says, is fallout of "a mission drift in forest department" which has moved away from its "core task of protection, towards eco-development, needless habitat modifications and such other distractions." He also points out that both tigers and prey are being poached where field protection has collapsed.
"In areas where these protective measures are still reasonably in place tigers are doing okay. The key issue is not just poaching of tigers, even more important is the issue of their prey species being hunted out. There are vast extents of forests in India where tigers are absent not because of direct poaching, but because their prey has been hunted out," Karanth says.
Black money not being revealed 2 develop our nation even aft our govt asked???
NEW DELHI: Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Monday said the government will look into the rejection by Swiss banks to hand over details of
their Indian clients.
Speaking to newsmen before entering his North Block office Mukherjee said, "What can I comment? I will look into the matter and discuss the Swiss banks’ rejection to disclose details with authorities in banking sector."
This reaction from the finance minister comes after Swiss banks declined India's request to unearth its black money parked in their banks. India has also been told not to come on 'fishing expeditions'.
Swiss bank authorities rejected India's request to disclose details of clients, saying Swiss law and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Model Tax Convention do not permit fishing expeditions.
The Swiss authorities added that they would not co-operate in the indiscriminate trawling through bank accounts
in the hope of finding something interesting.
"This means that India cannot simply throw its telephone book at Switzerland and ask if any of these people have a bank account here," a top Swiss bankers’ association official said.
According to sources the Swiss bank-client confidentiality has never been 100 percent absolute and Swiss legislators have built in provisions for it to be lifted during criminal investigations and also in many civil cases and it has also evolved over time.
"The key for the exchange of information in tax matters is the Double Taxation Agreement between Switzerland and India," said SBA's Head of International Communications James Nason.
Double Taxation Agreements are being currently revised to incorporate the OECD standard on the exchange of information in tax matters according to the OECD's own Model Tax Convention.
Imp but good law
NEW DELHI: Union Minister Kapil Sibal on Monday strongly batted for teaching Hindi in all schools, saying fluency in the national language will
help integrate students from across the country and it could become the lingua franca once India becomes "producer of knowledge".
"Our education system should change from MOTS (More of the Same) to HOTS (High Order Thinking Skills). We should create knowledge which will be used by other people. Now we are a recipient of knowledge and in the future we should produce the knowledge," the HRD minister said while addressing the Council of Boards of Secondary Education here.
"Hindi should be taught alongwith the regional language. Some students are exceptionally good in their mother tongues. They should learn other languages too," Sibal said.
He said there was a need to bring a level of quality in education that will generate the knowledge needed for the future.
"We should ensure greater emphasis on Hindi. All children are not fluent in Hindi as they are in their mother tongues. Hindi is necessary for students to integrate with the rest of the country. The same students integrate with the rest of world through English," he said.
"Now the lingua franca is English for professionals. When we become producers of knowledge then we can set our language as the lingua franca," Sibal said.
He said it was time for the country to start thinking about the children instead of imposing a system on them.
Crime in its peak
PATNA: A fake driving licence has been issued in the name of Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi in Bihar's Saran district, officials said on
Monday. The Congress MP's address on the licence is the official residence of Saran's district magistrate.
The district administration was not aware of the incident till a week ago.
"A driving licence (1847/09) in the name of Rahul Gandhi was issued by Saran district transport officer Puneeta Srivastava on May 18, 2009," a district official said.
The licence, which was stated to be valid from May 18, 2009 to May 17, 2022, also mentioned Rahul's father Rajiv Gandhi as the father of the licence holder. His permanent residence was given as Sansad Bhawan Marg, New Delhi.
"There is a signature of Saran district transport officer Puneeta Srivastava and her official seal is also on the driving licence issued in Rahul Gandhi's name," the official said.
The picture in the driving licence is not of the Congress MP, but of an unidentified youth.
Srivastava, however, denied having issued any such driving licence.
"It is a fake licence with my fake signature and official seal. In the past also several fake driving licences have been reported to defame me," Srivastava said.
This is not the first time a fake driving licence in the name of a well-known person is being issued in Bihar. In the early 1990s, a fake licence was issued in the name of then Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) chief V Prabhakaran.
A motorcycle licence had been issued in Prabhakaran's name by Dhanbad district transport officer Ramji Prasad Aug 21, 1993.
After that issue hit the headlines, the State Legislative Council set up a committee to inquire into it and the case was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).