Urban school kids in India hooked online
As per a survey of Indian school children conducted by TCS, majority of school kids in ubran areas are pretty active online.
Some highlights from the survey:
* 63% of urban students spend over an hour online daily
* 93% are aware of social networking
* Orkut and Facebook are most popular online destinations
* 46% use online sources to access news; TV, Newspaper users at 25%
* 62% have a personal computer at home
* 1 in 4 students own lap-tops in metros; 2 of 3 own music players
* IT and engineering remain overwhelming popular career choices
* Media & Entertainment, Travel and Tourism are emerging careers
* USA, UK top list of international destinations for higher studies
The survey was conducted across 14000 high school kids between the ages of 12-18 in 12 cities across India during 2008-2009. This is by far, one of the largest surveys in this age demographic that I’ve personally seen.
Amongst other things, one additional intesting highlight is the fact that 80% of the kids surveyed said that they have access to mobile phones.
Another interesting highlight: 41% of the kids cite Google as their most preferred source of information — print (26%) and TV(25%) came in 2nd and 3rd.