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Alive Earth Goes Dead

Sunday, August 16, 2009

About Simple Changes


I have a belief that individuals and small businesses can lead the way in slowing climate change. While government and larger organizations are finding ways to tackle environmental policies, there is much we can do individually, one small step at a time.

For me, this started back in June 2006 when a friend invited me to see a Sundance Film Festival hit, “An Inconvenient Truth.” The film documents former Vice President Al Gore’s crusade to halt global warming’s progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and false impressions that surround it.

And expose he did… to the point where I had trouble breathing in the middle of the movie!

The film shows us the facts… very startling facts. Evidence from scientists all over the world shows that global warming is real, is already happening and is the result of human activities and NOT a natural occurrence. The evidence is overwhelming and undeniable. The world will be a very different place in less than 50 years.

In 50 years, my son will be 65 years old. He will have children and grandchildren by then. What will their world be like? What are we doing to them? We are supposed to be protecting our children!

We are bombarded by so many issues on a daily basis… from wars, to terrorism, to famine, to some movie star’s love life (it astounds me how much media attention that one gets!) that for me global warming was just another one of so many things trying to get my attention.

Although I knew this issue was a serious one (my family did our part by recycling and changing the type of light bulbs we use) what I didn’t understand before seeing this film was HOW serious, and how very urgent, this issue has become. How absolutely critical it is that I pay attention… how we all have to pay attention and do what we can right now! The facts speak so loudly. The reality is that global warming really is happening and is causing our entire planet to change.

We no longer have time to be complacent.

As a business owner, I’ve contributed to various non-profit organizations within the community over the last 10 years and will continue to do so. Starting in 2008, a percentage of all profits from my company, Prairie Sun Creations Inc., have been and will continue to be donated to an organization that assists in earth healing efforts… the David Suzuki Foundation.

In 2007 and 2008 I wrote a column called “Simple Changes” for our local paper, The Airdrie Echo. The concept of the column was to provide on-going simple environmental practices that each of us can easily do to assist global healing. The original articles are now available within this blog and will continue in this format.

My focus is to bring a positive impact for ourselves, our family, our friends, our clients and our fellow members of the larger community called Earth.

Many simple changes can make a BIG impact.

Together, we can make a difference.

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