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Alive Earth Goes Dead

Sunday, August 16, 2009

EcoSafe 6400, EcoBio and EcoDegradable Plastic Product Description

There are several different types of biodegradable and compostable plastics that are made specifically for different purposes. Depending on planned use and intended disposal (landfill or compost) they are all better environmental options to ordinary plastics that can persist in the environment for decades.

Plastics Solutions offer three materials. Each is engineered to serve different purposes and all three degrade and biodegrade at different rates. They are environmentally safe and contain no heavy metals. Except for time frame, the biological processes are the same, returning the “organic carbon” in the materials back to the natural bio-cycle as a food source for microorganisms.

Plastics Solution's products include:

  1. EcoSafe~6400™ Compostable Plastic Trash Bags

Compostable trash bags are specifically engineered to quickly degrade in 10 to 45 days and fully biodegrade in less than 6 months when disposed of in a commercial compost facility. All EcoSafe~6400 Compostable bags meet the requirements of ASTMD6400-04 and carry the United States Composting Council/Biodegradable Products Institute certification logo.

  1. EcoBio Oxo-Biodegradable™ Plastic -

EcoSafe® Doggie Bags and other compost compatible bags are produced with premium materials that will degrade/biodegrade in landfill disposal, in some longer term commercial compost operations or if carelessly littered. Depending on available oxygen and microbial activity of the disposal site, the materials will quickly degrade within 3 to 4 months and fully biodegrade in approximately 24 months.

  1. EcoDegradable™ Plastic Trash Bags

Are robust degradable trash bags that provide the same performance as ordinary plastic bags but totally degrade when disposed of in a landfill or if carelessly littered. Depending on available oxygen and microbial activity of the disposal site, the materials will degrade in 18 to 24 months and biodegrade in approximately 36 months.

Plastics Solutions Inc. is committed to using the best technologies for degradable, biodegradable and compostable plastics and will always offer consumers and commercial users the best value for performance in the marketplace.

EcoSafe~6400 Compostable Bags. "The New Standard for Brand Performance". These competitively priced products comply with ASTM D6400 Standard Specification for Compostable Plastic and carry the BPI/USCC Compostable Products logo.
Plastics Solutions Inc. produces and distributes EcoSafe 6400 Compostable Bags in both Canada and the United States. The assortment includes bin liners and yard waste bags in a wide range of sizes for industrial, commercial, and institutional applications as well as attractively boxed product for retail selling.
EcoSafe 6400 Compostable Bags are distributed in Seattle and Washington State and are used exclusively by Cedar Grove Composting as their "bag of choice". Visit Cedar Grove for more information.
For more information on this exciting new product, please click here
Plastics Solutions is seeking commercial distributors for EcoSafe~6400 Compostable Bags in the US. Please contact Dick Freeman at
For more product information contact
Visit to view the EcoSafe~6400 BPI certification.

The EcoBio® Oxo-Biodegradable Doggie Bag is a biodegradable plastic bag that the pet owner can use to pick up his or her pet’s waste. The bag and contents can then be deposited in the trash or in an appropriate receptacle, so it can be easily and safely transferred to the local landfill. There, the plastic in the bag will totally degrade into CO2, water and humic matter. The Doggie Bag is made of the same EcoBio® proprietary materials as are the other EcoBio® Waste Collection, garbage and linen bags. (For a summary of the pertinent benefits of this material, please see the list under the waste collection Bags section).

The EcoBio® Oxo-Biodegradable Doggie Bag totally degrades when disposed of in a landfill. We use an ASTM D6954 Oxo-biodegradable technology. This is a major, proprietary difference. The selling price is directly affected too. Our Doggie Bags are competitively priced compared to other so-called biodegradable products. You’ll be delighted with the difference.

The EcoBio® Oxo-Biodegradable Doggie Bag is an environmentally-responsible product at its very best. If you own a pet, it’s simply the environmentally responsible bag to use.

This attractive, green painted, heavy gauge aluminum, lockable dispenser with the EcoSafe decal is ideal for the commercial dispensing of the EcoBio Oxo-Biodegradable Doggie Bag (CDB815MB). It has been in use trouble free for many years. The dispenser is 13" in length, 7" deep and 7" wide and can be mounted on any surface. The dispenser comfortably accommodates the commercial roll of 700 bags (9"wide, 6" in diameter)

The 12" X 18" 'Clean up after your Dog' sign features a waterproof plastic decal on heavy guage aluminum. It can be mounted on any surface and is a perfect companion to the dispenser.

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