Join the 1,309,042 supporters of the Stop Global Warming Virtual March, and become part of the movement to demand our leaders freeze and reduce carbon dioxide emissions now. We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution.
Take Action!
The Stop Global Warming calculator shows you how much carbon dioxide you can prevent from being released into the atmosphere and how much money you can save by making some small changes in your daily life. It’s our hope that the calculator will promote action, awareness and empowerment by showing you that one person can make a difference and help stop global warming.
There are many simple things you can do in your daily life — what you eat, what you drive, how you build your home — that can have an effect on your immediate surrounding, and on places as far away as Antactica. Here is a list of few things that you can do to make a difference.
Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
Replace 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $60 per year. Take the Energy Star pledge.
Inflate Your Tires
Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated. Check them monthly. Save 250 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $840 per year.
Change Your Air Filter
Check your car's air filter monthly. Save 800 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $130 per year.
Fill the Dishwasher
Run your dishwasher only with a full load. Save 100 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.
Use Recycled Paper
Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. Save 5 lbs. of carbon dioxide per ream of paper.
Adjust Your Thermostat
Move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in the summer. Save 2000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $98 per year.
Check Your Waterheater
Keep your water heater thermostat no higher than 120°F. Save 550 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $30 per year.
Change the AC Filter
Clean or replace dirty air conditioner filters as recommended. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $150 per year.
Take Shorter Showers
Showers account for 2/3 of all water heating costs. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $99 per year.
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
Using less water in the shower means less energy to heat the water. Save 350 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $150.
Buy Products Locally
Buy locally and reduce the amount of energy required to drive your products to your store.
Buy Energy Certificates
Help spur the renewable energy market and cut global warming pollution by buying wind certificates and green tags.
Buy Minimally Packaged Goods
Less packaging could reduce your garbage by about 10%. Save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide and $1,000 per year.
Buy a Hybrid Car
The average driver could save 16,000 lbs. of CO2 and $3,750 per year driving a hybrid
Buy a Fuel Efficient Car
Getting a few extra miles per gallon makes a big difference. Save thousands of lbs. of CO2 and a lot of money per year.
Carpool When You Can
Own a big vehicle? Carpooling with friends and co-workers saves fuel. Save 790 lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year.
Don't Idle in Your Car
Idling wastes money and gas, and generates pollution and global warming causing emissions. Except when in traffic, turn your engine off if you must wait for more than 30 seconds.
Reduce Garbage
Buy products with less packaging and recycle paper, plastic and glass. Save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.
Plant a Tree
Trees suck up carbon dioxide and make clean air for us to breathe. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide per year.
Insulate Your Water Heater
Keep your water heater insulated could save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $40 per year.
Replace Old Appliances
Inefficient appliances waste energy. Save hundreds of lbs. of carbon dioxide and hundreds of dollars per year.
Weatherize Your Home
Caulk and weather strip your doorways and windows. Save 1,700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $274 per year.
Use a Push Mower
Use your muscles instead of fossil fuels and get some exercise. Save 80 lbs of carbon dioxide per year.
Unplug Un-Used Electronics
Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy. Save over 1,000 lbs of carbon dioxide and $256 per year.
Put on a Sweater
Instead of turning up the heat in your home, wear more clothes Save 1,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $250 per year.
Insulate Your Home
Make sure your walls and ceilings are insulated. Save 2,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $245 per year.
Air Dry Your Clothes
Line-dry your clothes in the spring and summer instead of using the dryer. Save 700 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $75 per year.
Switch to a Tankless Water Heater
Your water will be heated as you use it rather than keeping a tank of hot water. Save 300 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $390 per year.
Switch to Double Pane Windows
Double pane windows keep more heat inside your home so you use less energy. Save 10,000 lbs. of carbon dioxide and $436 per year.
Buy Organic Food
The chemicals used in modern agriculture pollute the water supply, and require energy to produce.
Bring Cloth Bags to the Market
Using your own cloth bag instead of plastic or paper bags reduces waste and requires no additional energy.
Buy The Bracelet
Made from 100% scrap leather by Roots — 100% of net proceeds go the Stop Global Warming Fund.
Turn off Your Computer
Shut off your computer when not in use, and save 200 lbs of C02. Conserve energy by using your computer's "sleep mode" instead of a screensaver.
Be a Meat Reducer
The average American diet contributes an extra 1.5 tons of greenhouse gases per year compared with a vegetarian diet. Eliminating meat and dairy intake one day a week can make a big difference.
Ditch the Plastic
2.5 million individual plastic water bottles are thrown away every hour in the US. Start using a reusable water bottle and just say no to plastic!
Promote the Virtual March
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Here are promotional banners and images for use on websites, blogs and online community pages. Show your support and help us spread the word by encouraging others to join the Virtual March, by hosting a banner or button.
Featured Marchers
Displaying 1 to 10 of 159 featured marchers. Click here for a list of all featured marchers
General Counsel Barbara Adams (D-PA)
In Pennsylvania, under the governorship of Ed Rendell, we are galvanized into action to stop global warming, because of the mounting evidence of the destruction it wreaks and the knowledge that we can make a difference...
John H. Adams
I’ve been to Alaska many times and I’ve seen the changes...
Former State Treasurer Phil Angelides (D-CA)
As a trustee of California’s two pension funds that invest more than $300 billion in the global economy and own shares in major public corporations across the world, I am deeply concerned about the harmful impact of climate change on the long-term health of our investments, our economy and our planet...
Barenaked Ladies
We've had a great time greening our tour; from using biodiesel in our trucks and buses to making sure there's recycling backstage, as well as more re-useable cups, plates and cutlery...
Roger Barnett
I am joining this march because I believe that we each have a personal responsibility to do our part to make the world a better and safer place for our children and for future generations...
Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA)
Thirty five years have passed since the first Earth Day was celebrated...
Rod Blagojevich
Global warming is a threat to our environment and our economy...
Gretchen Bleiler
It's important to me to have an environmentally clean lifestyle, not only because I'm a professional snowboarder and my livelihood depends so heavily on the environment, but also because I'm another person in this world whose decisions and actions affect our planet...
Blue Man Group
Because we can’t blow people’s minds with our show if all of the seats in our theatres are under water! Global Warming is a topic that crosses all boundaries: no matter where you live in the world, or what your political affiliation, global warming is a phenomenon that will affect you, your family, and your community...
Take Action at School!
Throughout history, students have been the driving force in social change. Now more than ever is the time for students across the country to become global warming activists and join the movement.
On this page you will find tips for stopping global warming that your class or school can do today. You don't have to do everything, but we all need to do something! Get started in your school and keep us posted with results.
Get Your Class Virtually Marching!
Have all of your students sign up and challenge them to get as many people as they know (family, friends, churches, etc) to sign up with them. Make it a challenge in your school. Joining the Virtual March is the first step to joining the movement.
Read the Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming
The Down-to-Earth Guide to Global Warming is a comprehensive resource to help young readers (ages 8 and up) understand the science of global warming and how we can work together to stop it. Click here to learn more.
Encourage Your Mayor to Take Action
Has your Mayor joined the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement? If not, have your students write to the Mayor encouraging him/her to take local action to reduce your cities carbon emissions. Try to set up a class meeting at City Hall.
Watch An Inconvenient Truth
Encourage administrators to make watching An Inconvenient Truth and Too Hot Not to Handle required viewing, the way it already is in Sweden and Norway, and make Stop Global Warming: The Solution is You! required reading at your school.
Replace School Lightbulbs
Start a campaign to replace all light bulbs in your school with compact fluorescents. Have students work with local businesses to get them donated or hold a bake sale, etc. to raise money to buy them. Set a goal and calculate the emissions saved.
No Idling!
Start a no idling rule in the carpool lane at your school.
Make sure your class has recycling bins for paper and plastics. Run a student contest to design custom recycling bins, like the one shown here from the Windward School in Los Angeles.
Cut Back on Paper
Encourage administrators to only purchase post consumer recycled paper products (including toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, etc.) at your school. Set a goal to increase it. Make a rule that all multi-page documents are run double-sided. Keep looking for ways to eliminate paper.
Educate Your Parents
Take the issue of global warming to PTA meetings to educate the parents on the urgency of this issue.
Use Timers
Have your school set lights and air conditioners on efficiency timers.
Take Action at Home
Give your students the take action sheet on our site to take home and implement with their parents. Make it a contest to see which student can encourage the most change in their home.
No Waste at School Meals and Events
Reduce use of juice boxes, water bottles, plastic bags, etc. in your cafeteria, in your lunch box and at school parties.
Plant Trees
Have a tree planting day at your school. Plant trees that are local to your area that will reduce carbon dioxide and create clean air to breathe.
Conduct a School Energy Audit
Have your utility company come do an energy audit on the school.
Replace Oil Burning Furnaces
Find out what year your school’s oil burning furnace was put in. If it is over 5 years old, a new one would substantially reduce carbon emissions. Plan a fundraiser to help pay for it.
Spread the News
Find a news article on our site about global warming and email it to five people.
Start a Club
Start a global warming club at your school and set goals to curb your school's energy use.
Research and Report
Choose global warming as a topic for your next science, English, or social studies report.
Speak Out
Run for student government on a global warming platform. Challenge another school to match what you are doing to curb global warming emissions.
Reward the Use of Hybrids
Institute “Good Citizen” premium parking spaces for teachers, parents and students that drive hybrid cars.
Audit Student Energy Use
Have all students conduct their own personal energy audit to figure out their daily carbon footprint and set goals to reduce it. Celebrate the student who reduces their emissions the most at the end of the school year.
Review School's Purchases
Look into the food, waste and packaging purchases of your cafeteria.
Make carpooling a priority. Do a survey and measure what is already being done to set goals to improve it. Announce the progress at the final school assembly.
Stay Informed
Keep up-to-date on global warming related news. Check out our News section for the latest headlines.
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