It is about giving, not getting
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has—Margaret Mead
Children are by nature very giving beings so it is extremely easy to foster that behaviour. They may not always share their toys with each other, but they have an innate ability to notice differences when it matters. However, I feel today’s generation is more of a Generation Me than earlier times.
There is a reason for this - an obsession with achievement passed from parents to children. Peer pressure and pop culture are the excuses that are used for undermining their children’s ‘‘moral foundations.’’
The parentchild relationship is at the centre of the development of all the most important moral qualities, including honesty, kindness, loyalty, generosity, a commitment to justice, the capacity to think through moral dilemmas and the ability to sacrifice for important principles.
Simple instances like reaching out to a lonely child or helping a less-privileged child is all that is required to change a child’s attitude. Giving is not about donating largesse on one’s birthday or feeding the less fortunate. It starts on a much smaller scale and only requires a change in perception and attitude. Yet rather than fostering those qualities by encouraging children to help those on the economic or social margins, we adults seem to send a message that individual self-absorption is absolutely normal and is also encouraged. The overriding goals of many parents, are to make sure their children are happy, loaded with self-esteem, and armed with enough achievements in the form of awards or admissions. No wonder they look outward rather than inward?
Instead of looking at ourselves in the mirror and changing our appearance to be noticed, would it not be nobler to change the person inside and start making a difference without praise?
Seeing a smile on someone else's face than your own should be enough to satisfy one's hunger for attention.
. "Start with giving, not getting”
Ajeeth Prasath Jain , Principal,
Bhavan's Rajaji Vidyashram
Generation Me?
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